Medium Voltage Contractor

Call on M&D Electrical Contracting for medium voltage substations and transformers in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia and anywhere in the Continental USA.

Medium Voltage Substations/Transformers

M&D Electrical Contracting, LLC works with companies, industries, and municipalities to design, deliver and maintain all phases of substation and transformer electrical construction. We specialize in the design, installation, and maintenance of electrical systems and cabling for Medium Voltage substations and transformers.

We take into careful consideration of all aspects of medium voltage design and implementation. This includes regulatory and environmental requirements, design, switching and power equipment, fault calculations, safe grounding, protection/control, automation and communication, and maintenance.

Over 13 Years of Experience

With over 13 years of experience in the field, we provide quality contracting for medium voltage substations and transformers. We are members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers/IBEW, and National Electrical Contractors Association/NECA, fully Licensed and Insured. We follow the NECA Guideline for COVID-19 Operational Standards.

Connect with Us

M&D Electrical Contracting is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Whatever your Call on M&D Electrical Contracting for excellent medium voltage contractor services needs may be, connect with M&D.

For Additional info or Job Quote, call Matt Fairchild, Head Foreman at 845-283-3230, or use the contact form below:

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